I found this and thought it was something lovely...
A happy family is but an earlier heaven. ~ Bowring
Aren't you just so grateful for the things that make you happy in life. Family is one of them for me. We're just an odd band of people who shoot each other with nerf guns, make each other laugh and cry, give and receive the worst types of teasing, are happy for others successes and don't mind stealing the last dessert. We know how to bring each other down the hardest but also lift to the highest. We would give our lives for each other yet too often take each other for granted. We share toothpaste, laughs, socks, homes, secrets, sadness's, inside jokes and food. For all the bads that come with us there are a million billion other amazing and heart lifting goods.
I'm so glad to have family and everything that comes in that category, cousins, sisters, brothers, parents, nephews, nieces (hopefully some day) sister-in-laws, brother in law (more someday), friends who are called family just the same, aunts, uncles, G-ma's, grandpas....extraordinary people who were each placed in a spot on our family trees to contribute and make life that much better with God given individual talents. Sometimes they touch on our lives in the most odd ways, but they make us better and we do the same for them.
Where can be a better place but in the presence of family?
Brown to the Bonnett attack!
agreed. You guys may as well be my siblings! Love you B!
You blogged. I am shocked. Welcome back! I have missed you so much.
And your family is awesome, I wish I knew them better! Be grateful they live so close!
Bry, I am so glad that you finally updated your blog. Thanks. :)
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